Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How to setup an automatic network backup using SyncBack v3

This guide will provide instructions on how to create a back-up system over the local area network (LAN) using a one way synchronization setup. Access to backup folders on the server computer will be limited to the file owners. File synchronization takes place daily and would create 6 file versions – 5 weekly and 1 monthly versions. Syncback software version 3 should be installed in the end users’ computers. A log file would be emailed to the admin and or the end user after the backup takes place.

Server computer setup

  1. Create new windows user accounts each for “User A, B, C, etc.” Protect with password.
  2. If using a USB connected Hard Disk, assign a permanent drive letter
  3. Create shared folder
  4. Set folder name to “Backup User A”
  5. Create 6 folders inside “Backup User A” – Mon, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monthly (or whatever you want)
  6. Right click “Backup User A” folder > Properties > Make sure attributes: read-only is unchecked
  7. Click sharing tab > permissions
  8. Remove existing entries in “group or user names”
  9. Click add > enter object names to select > add “User A”
  10. Permissions > allow full control
  11. OK, OK
  12. Repeat steps 3 to 11 for User B, C, etc.

Client computer setup (Do this on each user’s workstation)

Install Syncback freeware. Download from 2BrightSparks website.
  1. New Profile
  2. Select: synchronization
  3. Name: “1 Mon” (“1” was placed only for easy sorting)
  4. Source: User files
  5. Destination: Network folder of User A > “1 Mon”
  6. Sub-dirs: Let me choose which subdirectories to include
Click Expert button – this will show more tabs for more settings

Advanced Tab - What to do if a file is in the destination but not in the source > Tick “delete file from destination”

Subdirectories Tab
  1. Check: delete all empty directories in destination
  2. Check: ignore new directories (improves performance)
  3. Check: Desktop, Documents, Picture, Etc. uncheck everything else you do not want backed up.
Network Tab
  1. Connection details for destination directory
  2. Enter username and password of User A (created in server computer)
  3. Click test connection
Email Tab
  1. Check “email the log after the profile has run”
  2. SMTP server connection details for Yahoo account:
Port: 25 or 587
Check: Must login to SMTP server
Username: yahoo account for sending backup logs
To: admin's email add
From: yahoo account for sending backup logs
Reply to: admin's email add
CC: End user’s email address
Subject: back up log – end user name

Note: If the log file is over the size limit, you’ll get the following error:
“syncback error unable to send email unable to send email message: socket error # 10053 software caused connection abort”
I do not know size limit for the log file but I got this error when sending a 5MB log file but not with a 2MB log file.

Misc Tab - Uncheck display log after running a profile

Click OK
Repeat above steps and create a profile each for Tues, Wed, etc. and select the destination folder as Tues, Wed, etc. Or simply copy the created profile and change the destination folder to the appropriate one.

Main syncback window
  1. Preferences > Log setttings > format of the log file
  2. Select: text format
Create schedule
  1. Select profile
  2. Task Tab
  3. Set password
  4. Schedule Tab
  5. Set schedule > weekly > check appropriate day of the week per profile
  6. Repeat steps on creating a schedule for other profiles
Further Reading:
How to password protect a shared folder:

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